
Landsat Annual Timelapse 1984-2012

There are changes made by man on the earth that can be seen from space! How insane is it to think that humans have managed to influence the earth so much that it can be seen million miles away. So it made me wonder if there was a time lapse video of my life, what would it look like? Like deforestation or like Dubai’s palm island? Depending on your view both could be pretty bad, but I personally like the idea of the palm islands.

There is definitely some deforestation in my time lapse, especially in my teenage years. As a young adult I think I managed to start building my own palm islands, changing my approach to life and bettering the influence I have on others. Making an effort to love and care for every person I meet. As with the islands some people appreciate it while others despise it, but that is where self-acceptance comes in. Took me a while, about 26 years, but I finally love who I am and enjoy bettering myself each and everyday.

I will never forget in high-school there was a girl who use to insult and judge me constantly and instead of becomming upset I would ask her why she felt this way about me. She used to tell me to stop questioning and just take it. What she didn’t know was I questioned her so that I could become a better person and learn from her, not to make her like me, but to be a better me. Today I am happy, successful and loved and I still question people who react negatively toward me so that I can learn if I need to work on an aspect in my life or if it’s just that they have never questioned themselves, or taken the time to look at themselves in the mirror and ask “Do I like what I see”.

Believe in you

Tea marvelous tea!




I am a tea lover, so I am always on the look out for interesting and lovely teas.

So when I found this site I danced (on my own) in my study.

So many choices and options and colors and tastes… I am a kid in a candy store!

Go have a look!!!!!!! And buy me some 🙂

As soon as my current teas are done I will start buying the flower tea and inform you of my “expert” opinion.

He met Her – toknight we ride (johnny & kate)


This is my favorite song!!! Seriously love love love.
Not only is it about an awesome couple it’s my obsession Kate Moss.

This song to me feels like it is what their relationship had to be like.
Then the band is so hot! Look at them and their voices. L.O.V.E.





I love this quote, since it is so true in my life. I am surrounded by people who are very materialistic and focused on fame and fortune. I have never understood this, I believe that a goal should enrich you as a person. It seems like the prior is focused on what others think of you and it misses the point of what do you think of yourself, when you are alone, without others surrounding you… But that’s just me.

So since I focus on enriching lives and I try and avoid negativity and hurting people I am seen as weak, which I find amusing to be honest. I just choose my battles, truth is why must I fight with people and ruin a relationship over something that I will never be able to change anyway when I can rather focus my energy on learning from their behavior and reactions. And from what I learn I can change my approach and use a different route to see how they react to that point… You see I am not weak 🙂 I use my experiences to enhance my understanding of people. In doing this I have learned so much about myself and personality types.  So next time someone decides to be nice to you instead of screaming at you, consider what they are learning about you as a person…

Consider the strength it takes to stay quiet and not protect themselves, the strength it takes to not defend against the false accusations, the lies and all the pain they have to deal with. It takes strength to be true to yourself and not give in to the fight of the simple minded. So often I have been verbally abused by people and I would smile and walk away, then afterward I would think shame that poor person was fueled by jealousy or by their own insecurity. Cause that is usually what cause people to be nasty.

I only recently managed to see things in this way, and it is still difficult but I have gained so much insight into people. Things I would fight for are things I feel proud of, things I love and am loyal to. I will fight for my beliefs, I will fight for my husband and I will fight for my blood relatives. I will not fight against false accusations, I will state my point in a calm way and leave. You will not get me involved emotionally.

So stand up for yourself, but be careful that you don’t get drawn into a petty brawl to make someone else feel better about their insecurities.

So moral of the story is, strength has many faces and many different forms. Don’t be fooled into thinking that screaming and physically hurting someone is strength.


Do I like what I see?


Landsat Annual Timelapse 1984-2012
(Click on the link to watch the time lapse)

There are changes made by man on the earth that can be seen from space! How insane is it to think that humans have managed to influence the earth so much that it can be seen million miles away. So it made me wonder if there was a time lapse video of my life, what would it look like? Like deforestation or like Dubai’s palm island? Depending on your view both could be pretty bad, but I personally like the idea of the palm islands.

There is definitely some deforestation in my time lapse, especially in my teenage years. As a young adult I think I managed to start building my own palm islands, changing my approach to life and bettering the influence I have on others. Making an effort to love and care for every person I meet. As with the islands some people appreciate it while others despise it, but that is where self-acceptance comes in. Took me a while, about 26 years, but I finally love who I am and enjoy bettering myself each and everyday.

I will never forget in high-school there was a girl who use to insult and judge me constantly and instead of becoming upset I would ask her why she felt this way about me. She used to tell me to stop questioning and just take it. What she didn’t know was I questioned her so that I could become a better person and learn from her, not to make her like me, but to be a better me. Thing is I don’t care if people don’t like me for who I am, I work on myself so that I can honestly say I am the best me. There will always be people who are negative towards you, but if you know in your heart of hearts that you are not the person they say you are, you can be happy and know that its not your shit. Today I am happy, successful and loved and I still question people who react negatively toward me so that I can learn if I need to work on an aspect in my life or if it’s just that they have never questioned themselves, or taken the time to look at themselves in the mirror and ask “Do I like what I see?”.



Long time, lady dear





It’s been 11months since I last posted…. I am shocked and a little impressed as well. I am living to the fullest where previously I was not. So I considered deleting this blog, but as I opened it today I realized that I should rather use it as inspiration. So I might not post often and it will probably not be about fashion, food and parties but I will use it to tell stories and ground myself after a day or week of giving pieces of myself to the world. This is a new chapter for my blog, let’s call the previous chapter “Searching” and this chapter “Singing all the way on the golden highway”


Always believe in you


Thank you



A few months ago I had won a giveaway held by Rachael from Talk2TheTrees

It was a lucky draw and the prize a voucher from Love, Erica jewelry.

You have no idea how exited I was when I heard that I had won.

So my prize arrived after a few hiccups with the South African post office.

But thankfully Erica was patient and kind and even sent me an extra gift even though the situation was completely out of her control and not her fault.

When I opened the parcel I was greeted by 2 thoughtful letters and a pretty bag.

Inside the bag I got:

These lovely gifts.

I want to thank Erica for making me feel so special and having so much patience.

Rachael thank you for the giveaway and unknowingly introducing me to Erica who I see as a friend even though we have never met.

Love and hugs


Perfect holiday


Daniela’s Macaroons bought at IheartMarket

My favorite outfit from Forever New

The best company and love of my life (wearing his new Mingo Lamberti T-shirt)

What do all these 3 things have in common?

An awesome holiday!